Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What the CRAMP!!

OMGoodness.  Today's workout was a 45 minute bike ride followed by a 10 minute run.  This is called a brick workout.  Supposedly because you are "stacking" two workouts on top of each other.  My theory is that it is because it felt as though someone was throwing bricks at me as I ran.

The bike ride was awesome.  I am just beginning to get a feel for "Little David" and this bike is sweet. I even used the clips today  Look, no blood.

However, there's the other part of the workout.  Immediately after getting off the bike, I transitioned into running shoes, jumped up an realized I was attempting to run, but not much forward motion.  Picture this.  Marionettes bouncing around in place, awkwardly flopping their feet on the ground as the strings only pulled them up and down.

As I busted out my best Fred Flintstone start, my feet eventually got under me and I got rolling.  This was only to be followed by a bigger crisis  At approximately 7 minutes, I felt it.  Quadriceps cramps.  Both legs.

Being the superior stupid athlete that I am, I pushed on.  As I arrived back at the house, no one was home.  Normally not a big deal.  However, today, this was a problem.  Garage door was closed and I needed in, for warmth and to be saved from the embarrassment that was to come.  As long as I knelt, the cramps subsided.  As soon as I stood, both legs locked in a horrifically painful position. So, reaching the garage door opener became one of those movie moments when the martyr hero reaches, on death's edge, for the button that will destroy him and all of the evil around him.  Except I didn't make it.  Instead, I was left to recover in a rotated fetal position in my driveway as cars drove by.  My only consolation.  No one stopped and I recovered before my family arrived  So, they will now be reading this for the first time  Enjoy, at my expense.

But just know, after finding this new level of pain, and seeing what my body can handle, I am focused to push on for
The Lake.  The Road.  The Path.
Three fights, One Victory!  BREATHE!

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