Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Time For a Bath

I have been feeling several things recently.  Sluggish, uncomfortable, out-of-shape.  So, what gives?  I have been working out regularly, still on my path.  But, man I'm frustrated.

Got it.

Time for a bath.  I need to cleanze my body.  So, beginning tomorrow, I am going to focus on getting my diet in order, AGAIN.  Here is the plan to take me into race date. 

Whittle down the carb intake.
Ramp up the fruits throughout the day.
Modify the evening meal.  Emphasize the veggies. And make it colorful.
Stop when I need to stop.

This is the only element that stands my way toward

The Lake.  The Road.  The Path.
Three fights, One Victory!  BREATHE!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Me vs. ???????

Just registered for my Triathlon. No turning back now. I also looked at some times for my "advanced" age group. Seem a little intimidating. However, I need to get a grip on the fact that I have no one to beat. I am doing this to take the challenge. This is also the case with about 80% of those that will be with me that day. From what I understand, there is a ton of encouragement, support and praise coming from all sides once the race is on. I have never been one to need this for motivation, but just to know I am with others pushing their physical limits on an early Sunday morning, gives me assurance that my biggest rival is not going to be the man or woman standing beside me at the start line.

My biggest rival will be that voice telling me "Train tomorrow. Its too late today!"

The Lake.  The Road.  The Path.
Three fights, One Victory!  BREATHE!